Thursday, October 8, 2015

More Bicentennial Comics Revealed!

My initial research into Bicentennial comics was pretty thorough, but I know that quite a few titles were likely to appear. And so they have. A few folks have kindly pointed out some additions, while other issues revealed themselves through the advanced search functions at and the Grand Comics Database. Will there be more? Oh, I'm quite sure that there will, but for now, here are the latest additions to my list:

One of several underground comix covering American history that year.

These three Archie's T.V. Laugh-Out issues join one other that was already on my list. Oddly enough, issue 41 doesn't appear to have any Bicentennial content. That might bear investigation.

This came out in 1977 but covered the editorial cartoons published in 1976. I look forward to reading this. I'm sure it will reveal a lot about what was going on in this country that year.

One more for my crossover underground comix collection.

From what I can tell, this series reprinted current comic strips. I look forward into tracking this down to see what's inside.

Will Eisner!

Is this a Bicentennial issue or is Sabrina just wearing a red-white-and-blue bikini top? Only further research will tell.

I never even heard of this title. 

It's going to take me quite a while to track down all of these books and issues, but that's half the fun of this whole project! If you know of any more that I'm missing, please feel free to let me know!

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